Ports of Auckland (POAL) today welcomed Auckland Council and Mayor Len Brown’s support for the port to stay in its current location.
Debating the port’s development proposals today at the Auckland Plan Committee, Mayor Len Brown said emphatically that Auckland’s port is not going to move. This was supported by a Council resolution in favour of the port staying in its current location.
Ports of Auckland CEO Tony Gibson said “I am delighted that the Mayor and Councillors have said today that Auckland’s port is here to stay. It gives our staff and customers certainty and helps us plan for the future.”
Council also agreed that Ports of Auckland should proceed with plans to seek Aucklanders’ views about its revised development options.
“We welcome the opportunity to fully engage with the public and stakeholders about the future of their port”, said Mr Gibson.
Ports of Auckland will now work with council officers to refine its consultation plans in light of feedback from Councillors at today’s committee meeting. “Our aim is to be able to present this information to the public by the end of this month”, Mr Gibson added.
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