Our Multi-Cargo facilities operate using the finger wharves Marsden and Captain Cook, Bledisloe, Freyberg and Jellicoe wharves in the middle of the port facility. Our Multi-Cargo facilities start to the west of the Fergusson Container Terminal and end adjacent to the Auckland central business district.
We handle a variety of breakbulk cargo, steel, timber, dry and liquid bulk, containers and vehicles. Many of the vessels calling here serve the Pacific Island’s.
We manage berthage and wharf space, with cargo-handling services provided by third-party stevedoring companies. Many of these wharves also handle Roll-on Roll-off (Ro-Ro) vessels importing cars and other vehicles.

Multi-Cargo map: Click here to access GIS.
GIS is in place to aid all parties in accessing relevant up to date information about Multi-Cargo Operations and is helpful with ascertaining:
- Risk associated with operations
- Congested areas which may impact access and operations
- Health and safety concerns
- Restricted access areas
- Any other relevant areas that users need to be informed about
Please be aware that the information available on the GIS Viewer is provided as a guide only and the accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. POAL excludes all liability including, without limitation, in negligence, for any loss, damage or claims howsoever caused or suffered by the user in reliance on the information.
Process updates
Pre-advice speeds up export container handling into and through the port creating efficiencies for our customers. It ensures the container is gated in with the correct information and correct loading of the export container. Pre-advice also ensures the correct data is being used to gate the container in, reduces double handling and optimises yard stacking for vessel operations. For transport operators it means drivers spend less time at the port. Pre-advising for the port is utilised in PortConnect. To arrange training please contact Customer Services.
If you would like to start using pre-advice you can register for a login here.
If you would like to log on to PortConnect click here.
Early/late receival request
Receival dates and times for Multi-Cargo vessels are set by the individual shipping lines. Please contact the relevant shipping line for confirmation of these dates.
Export containers that arrive 5 days prior to the vessel loading will be subject to early receival fees.
Export containers that arrive after the cut-off for a vessel have a direct impact on operations, causing additional planning and yard moves. If you're an exporter, we ask that you or your agent request confirmation from the shipping line for late receival of the container.
Documents for transport operators
We are committed to providing a safe environment for our people, customers and visitors. It is critical that visitors to the port understand and work in line with our health and safety and environmental guidelines. To facilitate this, all drivers entering the terminal must have completed our online safety induction course. Click here to be redirected to the health and safety page.