Ports of Auckland today resumed mediation to achieve a Collective Agreement with the Maritime Union (MUNZ – Local 13).
“We have listened to the Court, the Mayor and all other stakeholders and returned to mediation in good faith,” Ports of Auckland Chief Executive Tony Gibson said.
Mr Gibson said he was pleased with aspects of today’s mediation. "The parties worked together to identify a number of issues where compromise may be possible” he said.
“Progress was made on issues such as rostering and work allocations. MUNZ had some good ideas, which POAL responded to and will consider further.”
POAL is committed to negotiating all points that remain outstanding, with the goal of reaching an agreement which is both acceptable to MUNZ and achieves the modern flexible conditions that the Port needs” said Mr Gibson.
A main demand of the Union is that the Port give up its existing right to contract out, a right the Company has always had within previous collective agreements.
Further mediation has been scheduled for Thursday and Friday next week.