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Ports of Auckland will open up Captain Cook Wharf during Auckland Anniversary Weekend ( 25-27 January 2014), to host its open day event, SeePort.

“SeePort, is a fantastic opportunity for Aucklanders to experience the port at work first hand. We’re pleased to be able to open up Captain Cook Wharf to make SeePort 2014 bigger and better than ever before,” Ports of Auckland Chief Executive Tony Gibson said.

SeePort promises to offer something for all ages. The event will feature displays related to the port, industry and jobs. Free boat and bus tours of the port and a carnival with fun games, rides, live music and food stalls are among the entertainment on offer.

“We have some of the largest and most technologically advanced machines in the country. Some will be on display at the event, others can be seen at work during the port tours,” he said.

Bookings for the bus and boat tours will commence from 3 January 2014. Booking information will be released closer to the date.

Visit www.poal.co.nz for more details.


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